main page » products » sampling and transporter systems » smear (unction) sampling set » transporter tube





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Product specification

.  easy and safe usage

see video. (if unable to watch video, enable active X in your browser):


  1. Insert the sampling device (brush, swab, stick) into the transporter tube after sampling
  2. Break at the incision point.
  3. Close the tube by fitting the bayonet hood and rotating it by 30 degrees.
  4. The hood will pick up the end of the sampling device after locking the tube
       When opening the tube, the sampling device can be removed without touching it.
  5. Insert the transporter tube into the transporter bag or box in order to carry it to the laboratory.
  6. During laboratory processing: after rotating the hood by 30 degrees slightly lift it with the incorporated sampling stick and rotate it. The remains of the sample will be peeled off by the inner ribs of the transporter tube. Now you can throw away the sampling device and the hood, without even touching the sampling device.

. safe closing: the bayonet system locks the external hood of the tube easily, squarely and securely
. safe transportation: sealing element made of the feedstock of the hood responsible for the secure liquid-locking
. easy processing of the samples: the transporter tube can be used as a 5 ml tumble tube;
. can be inserted into a 16 mm rotor


Application advise
. gynaecology, urinary, laryngology, clean room control
. sampling
. transport
. sample preparation
. to fill with liquids for sample transport
. for substrate stripping

Technical data
. feedstock: R359 Polypropylene
. volume: 5 ml
. 3 point Bayonet closure

Data to order:

Advised for

PP 05 01 01

transporter tube for microbiology without hood

solution stripping

PP 05 01 02


solution stripping

PP 05 01 03

transporter tube with hood

sample collection

PP 05 01 03S

transporter tube with hood irradiated

sample collection

PP 31 04 01

Cryobox (130 x 130 x 85 mm) for transport
with 60 mm high inlet for 5 x 5 tubes
